
Ministry of Iesous (Jesus)

"The 1st coming"

Early in the 1st century AD, a senior spiritual-being from the place known to humans as Heaven, or Sukhavati (Land of Pure Bliss) incarnated early in the 1st century to assist humankind to correct their thinking regarding the purpose of life for soul beings, and the Way (or mechanism / process) by which that purpose is fulfilled.

Iesous brought awareness of the Way as a means to spark reformation in religious thinking of the 1st century world. He worked among the most prevalent religions of the day, engaging senior clergy in dialogue and rhetoric. Several reformation movements gained impetus and took direction from Iesous' Wayism, the most prominent being the now-called Sufi movement within Zoroastrianism, the Gnostic movement, the Buddhist Mahayana Movement, the Bhakti or Bhagavad Gita movement and the Christian movement within Judaism.

Iesous was born in the Roman provinces of either Peraea or Judea, to humble human parents who adhered to non-traditional views of Judaism. Soon after his incarnation, three religious leaders known to us only as the Three Wise Men from the East, representing the largest eastern religions of the day took charge of the logistics and earthy aspects of Iesous' ministry. They moved Iesous and his family to Egypt where his education in the lingua franca of the day, Koine Greek, started. Over the years to come, they organized education and teaching opportunities around the known world of the time. Iesous returned to the area where he was born when he was in his thirties. Soon after, he was executed by the religious authorities of Judaism for fear of the popularity of the movement of the Way.

"The 2nd coming"

During his time on Earth, the Lord learned that human religious authorities are most obstinate and withhold from humans the truth of the simplicity of life and its purpose. Moved by immense compassion, to counter the negative effects of manipulation by religious authorities, He vowed to return to Earth along with tens of thousands of spiritual helpers (known as angels, devata, deva, etc.) to remain here in spiritual form among us, to help us along on the Way to enlightenment. He told devotees that he would return within their generation (40 years), soon after the fall of Jerusalem. Jerusalem and the world of the Jews of that area came to an end in 70AD. By 75AD already, a new Scripture was presented to the 2nd 4th Worldwide Buddhist Council in Kashmir, India, for adoption into the Buddhist Canon. This, the Lotus Sutra, tells the story of the 2nd coming and reiterates Iesous' teaching of universal salvation, our Father in Heaven, and evolution of souls to rebirth or metamorphosis to become a spiritual being. In the Sanskrit, he is entitled Avalokiteshvara, which translates to 'the Lord who observes the pleas of all sentient beings'.

Read the full story of Iesous' ministry in East and West, of the endearing characters (Thomas and the indian girl Mari of Magadha, and Appolus the bodyguard), and of the Buddhist Council and the 2nd coming in Kashmir, in Jean du Plessis' book Universal Gateway of Enlightenment1




Within a few decades, awareness of Avalokiteshvara spread to other religions and spiritual movements. Avalokiteshvara was officially adopted by Mahayana Buddhism and several aspects of Hinduism of the day. Later, Daoism and Theravada Buddhism incorporated the World Saviour Avalokiteshvara.

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